DOWNLOAD the (PDF) Back to Work Plan HERE
A Plan of Action for your Salon, Barber Shop or Spa Following the COVID-19 Pandemic
Given the renewed focus on the health and public safety of beauty professionals and their clients, the following Back-to-Work Plan should be used to make everyone more comfortable when services resume. This plan incorporates best practices according to infection control subject matter experts and the advice may supersede the rules of your state. In this tumultuous time, it is important that best practices be followed for the health of professionals and consumers and it is strongly recommended that this plan be applied to pertinent parts of your business.
The date you may return to work is determined by your state or local authorities and must be followed.
Contents [hide]
Checklist of Supplies Needed:
- BARBICIDE® Concentrate
- BARBICIDE® Spray bottle (filled with properly concentrated BARBICIDE®)*
- Clippercide® (cleans and disinfects) for clippers, trimmers and edgers
- BARBICIDE® Spacide Complete (if pedicure bowls are used)
- King Research Hand Sanitizer
- Ship-Shape® Comb and Brush Cleaner
- Ship-Shape® Professional Appliance and Glass Cleaner
- Clean towels / paper towels
- Gloves
- Trash bags
*BARBICIDE® Concentration ¼ cup (2oz) concentrate in 4 cups (32oz) of water
Disinfection Reminders:
- Disinfectants must be EPA-registered and labeled as bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal. BARBICIDE® Concentrate is a registered product on the EPA’s N List and all products on this list meet EPA’s criteria for use against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).
- Disinfection only works on a clean item, so cleaning before disinfecting is always the first step. Methods to clean include soap/water, chemical cleaners (Ship-Shape®), wipes.
- Contact time listed on the label must be observed for disinfectants to work. The contact time refers to how long the surface must stay visibly wet with the disinfectant to inactivate or destroy all of the pathogens on the label. Typical contact time for immersion/sprays is 10 minutes, for wipes is 2-4 minutes.
- Disinfectant for immersion must be made fresh daily and replaced if it becomes contaminated sooner. For example, hair/debris floating in solution or a cloudy solution.
- Disinfection is for hard, non-porous surfaces, typically things made of glass, metal and plastic or referred to as synthetic materials.
- Porous/soft surfaces cannot be disinfected, but can be cleaned. This would include but is not limited to items such as towels, chairs covered in a porous material and your hands/body.
Prior to Re-Opening Checklist
Reception and Retail Area:
- Discard old magazines and other non-essential items in the waiting area that cannot be disinfected
- Wipe down all soft surfaces (couches, chairs) with water and a clean towel
- Remember that these soft surfaces cannot be disinfected
- Clean and disinfect all hard, non-porous surfaces such as reception counter, computer keyboard, phones, door handles, light switches and point of sale equipment
- Make sure to follow contact time for all surfaces
- Consider online scheduling in place of written appointment cards
- Clean and disinfect all shelving, glass and display cases; keep product containers clean and dust free
- Place signage in window to notify clients of your diligence in practicing proper infection control
Work Stations
- Clean and disinfect all non-porous implements used in your services, as required by all states (immersion, spray or wipe)
- Store properly disinfected implements in closed, containers that have also been disinfected (wipe or spray)
- Clean and disinfect all electrical implements used in your services as required by all states
- Clean and disinfect chairs and headrests
- Remember that porous materials cannot be disinfected and ongoing use of disinfectants on materials covering chairs, can damage the material
- On initial opening, feel free to disinfect your chairs, but limit that to once daily – consider barrier methods on chairs such as disposable paper drapes or towels that can be laundered after each client
- Clean and disinfect station, rolling carts, drawers and any containers used for storage
- Ensure that single use (porous items) are new
- All items on a nail station must either be new, never used or cleaned and disinfected (stored in a closed container until ready to use)
Treatment Rooms
- Clean and disinfect any appliances used
- Clean and disinfect treatment tables
- Remember that porous materials cannot be disinfected and ongoing use of disinfectants on materials covering tables can damage the material – consider barrier methods on chairs such as disposable paper drapes or towels that can be laundered after each client
- Ensure that all product to be used has not been contaminated by improper removal of product prior to closure
- Ensure all single use items are new
- Empty wax pots, completely clean and disinfect – refill with new wax
- Ensure that multi-use product containers have adequate single use applicators available to safely remove product without contaminating remaining product
- Clean and disinfect all surfaces
- Replace any soft goods (toilet paper, paper towels)
- Consider upgrading to touchless faucets, soap and paper towel dispensers
- Consider adding touchless, automatic hand sanitizer dispensers
- Place a trash container near door
- Remove any products that do not belong in the restroom – nothing should be stored in a restroom
- Any linens that may have be left in the salon (clean or dirty) prior to the closure, should be washed per the rules of your state
- If no rules exist about laundry, wash on hot with detergent and dry until “hot to the touch”
- There should be no moisture or dampness in any linen
- Launder (porous) or disinfect (non-porous) all capes
- All linens should be stored in closed, covered cabinets until used
Shampoo Bowls
- Clean all bowls, handles, hoses, spray nozzles and shampoo chairs
- Disinfect all bowls, handles, hoses, spray nozzles and shampoo chairs observing full contact time with a properly concentrated disinfectant or wipe
Pedicure Bowls
- Remove all parts that can be removed from bowl
- Clean and disinfect removed parts by immersing for full contact time in properly diluted disinfectant
- Scrub bowl with soap/water or detergent
- Return removable parts to bowl
- Rinse bowl with clean water
- Disinfect the bowl – fill bowl with water and add proper amount of BARBICIDE® or Spacide to achieve the correct concentration
- If your bowl has jets, turn on and let disinfectant solution circulate for 10 full minutes
- If your bowl does not have jets, simply let it sit for the full ten minutes
- Empty water after 10 minutes is complete and allow to air dry
- Ensure all multi use materials that may have been contaminated by improper removal prior to closure are replaced – such as lotions, scrubs
- Ensure that all single use materials are new – such as files, pumice and buffers
On-Going Safety
ALL states have health and public safety rules that MUST be followed at all times. The steps below are best practice and may go above and beyond what a state requires.
Disinfectants / Personal Protective Equipment:
- Disinfectant must be EPA-registered and labeled as bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal
- No product will be labeled for COVID-19 yet, but many will have human coronavirus efficacy either on their label or available on their websites
- The EPA has approved any product that has tested as effective against human coronavirus, to make a claim for COVID-19 at this time
- Disinfectant for immersion must be made fresh daily and replaced if it becomes contaminated sooner
- Any Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) used is single use and must be changed after each client, for example gloves
- Mask may be required and changing them would be dependent upon availability
- Hands must be washed after removing gloves
Practical changes:
- In the short term, consider staggering appointments so that waiting areas have minimal congestion
- Staggering of appointments also gives adequate time to properly clean and disinfect in between customers
- Even if you haven’t used an appointment system before, now may be the time to implement one. If you continue to take walk-ins, be conscious of how many people are in your waiting area and be responsible about keep those numbers low
- Consider how to make your POS terminals safer
- If you are using an iPad, asking the customer read you their card number means that you are the only one touching that screen
- Encourage the use of applications like Apple Pay that do not require any interaction between your consumer and your surfaces. If you must you a touch pad, this should be disinfected frequently
- In the short term, do not re-introduce things like magazines, self-serve coffee or candy jars
- Disinfect reception counter, door handles, phones and writing implements at the beginning of the day and every 1-2 hours, based on traffic
- Consider use of masks/gloves for all esthetics/waxing services
- Consider a mask for licensee and client for nails services
- Discontinue the practice of shaking hands
- While this handshaking has long been considered a sign of welcoming and respect, there are safer ways to welcome someone in 2020
- Decline services for any client that exhibits signs of illness
Hand Hygiene:
- Wash hands with soap/water for 30 seconds before/after eating, smoking and using the restroom
- Wash hands immediately before and after providing a client (hand sanitizer where allowed)
- Provide hand sanitizer at reception desk and all stations for clients to use
- Maintain intact skin by frequent use of lotion
Cleaning and Disinfection:
- All implements (non-porous) being used on more than 1 client, must be cleaned and disinfected for the full contact time on the disinfectant label before being used
- Stations, chairs, rolling carts and any other storage containers disinfected daily
- All pedicure bowls fully cleaned and disinfected before EACH client
- All removable parts removed and thoroughly cleaned and disinfected
- Bowl scrubbed with brush and detergent/soap
- Bowl rinsed
- Removable parts replace
- Properly concentrated disinfectant in bowl and allowed to sit or run (jets) for full contact time listed on the disinfectant label
- Bowl drained and rinsed
- All hand/foot nail drying tables cleaned and disinfected after each client or barrier method used
- All towels/capes laundered (porous) or disinfected (non-porous) after a single use
- All towels/linens dried until “hot to the touch”
- All towels/linens stored in a closed, covered container
Cleaning and Disinfection of Implements and Surfaces:
- Clean item or surface: Cleaning is intended to prepare the item or surface so that disinfectant can make full contact with the material and be effective against all pathogens listed on the label
- Cleaning may be done with soap/water, chemical cleaner or wipe
- Rinse and dry implement or surface
- Disinfect using a properly concentrated disinfectant made for immersion, a spray or wipe
- All disinfectants must be EPA-registered as bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal
- Observe full contact time on manufacturers label
- This means that implement or surface must stay visibly wet for full contact time listed
- Immersed items should be removed at the end of contact time, rinsed and dried with a paper towel or clean, freshly laundered towel
Cleaning and Disinfection of Electrical Implements:
- Clean implement with wipe or spray and remove any debris, such as hair
- Use an EPA-registered bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal spray, foam or wipe to disinfect implement for full contact time listed on the manufacturers label
- When contact time is complete, dry with paper towel or clean, freshly laundered towel
Letter of Reassurance to Provide to Customers
Valued Customer,
We understand your concerns, so we have outdone ourselves in preparing our business for you! The safety of our staff and our customers is essential to us, so we have:
- Cleaned and/or disinfected all surfaces and implements
- Laundered and/or disinfected all capes, towels and linens
- Removed any non-essential items throughout our business
- Initiated contactless methods of scheduling and payment
- Acquired appropriate personal protective equipment to be used when necessary or requested
- Discontinued the practice of hand shaking and other non-essential contact
- Re-trained our staff on essential infection control and hand hygiene practices
Feel free to ask any of us at any time about all that we do to provide for your safety.
Please relax and enjoy your services!
Very helpful
Thank you, this has been so helpful, giving added reassurance to help our stylists and to protect our customers to the highest possible standards we can! During covid19 and beyond!
This was helpful. I think all stylist old and new should be certified again through sanitation! People get into old habits and need to be mindful we should be practicing this all the time not just during a Pandemic! Not only are we doing it for our clients but for ourselves as well. We are not six feet apart from our clients at any given time. Be smart, sanitize and disinfect! Thank you
Thank you very much
Thank you very much
Some great information really useful to use as part of a risk assessment exercise also, plus of cause lots of common sense ?
Thank you so very much for the up dates. I love my job n my clients 100%♥️✂️❤✂️♥️✂️❤✂️❤✂️❤♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Thank you so much
Thank you for the very helpful information
Excellent tips.
Thank you so much I feel very prepared and ready to start work now
Thank you Great information Love keeping clients safe and healthy #Managing manicurist❣️
Thank you for the update!
Thank you very much, this has been very helpful.
Thank you for the information and the updates very helpful
Thank you very knowledgeable & helpful
Thank you for your ongoing concern for us and our clients!
Should hairbrushes be disinfected after every use
Yes, absolutely! They should be cleaned first to remove any visible debris and then disinfected with an EPA registered disinfectant like BARBICIDE Concentrate.
Thank you so much
Thank you so much ?
Thank you very helpful, feel reassured that I’ve got everything in place and ready for reopening.
This is helpful
Thanks for the info! It’s nice to make us and our clients more comfortable!
Thank you very much. This was very informative and helpful.
Totally agree with you. As a hairdresser for the past 30 years , I kept in mind my clients and my environment safety at all time. I’m always aware of cleaning and disinfecting all areas of the salon all the time when in use. It’s refreshing to work and feel safe in a clean place. And clients feels safe with your services.
Thanks so much for the information regarding COVID19 sanitation for Spa industry workers. I am a Licensed Massage Therapist and these outlines will be helpful.
Muchas gracias por la información
The information was very helpful and knowledgeable and it refreshed my memory.
I am so grateful to have taken out the time to carefully read and get certification. This is/was VERY HELPFUL AND INFORMATIVE…??♀️??♀️ ✂️ ✂️
Thanks again!
Great advice and information
Thanks so much for all of this information it is very helpful.
AmeN…Well said @Joanne Wagner‼️ We should be practicing this all time ?????? Not just during COVID-19. Thank you❤️
The information that you put out is very informative. Alot of effort has put in it. Well done.
Thank you very much this has been extremely helpful and knowledgeable not only for myself as a hairstylist but also for the client. It is deeply appreciated
Thank you so much for the education. Very informative.
Thanks for reminder us to helpful and be safe for clients
Thank you so much for this helpful information!!
Thank you!!!! Helpful information!
Great information
Excellent advice, this epidemic is not going away, working clean and smart is definitely this way forward. This is to protect all concerned. This is currently very relevant and is of utmost importance. great advice informative and pragmatic.
Thnak you for the update
Very helpful
Very informative.
This is very informative and I appreciate your free courses. Thank you once again
Great information . Will use it always where can I get a certificate to place in my salon
Thank you so much, this is very helpful
Thank you, this has been so helpful, giving added reassurance to help our babers and to protect our customers to the highest possible standards we can! During covid19 and beyond
This has been extremely helpful. Thank you
Very good
The more I know the less stress i have. I want to know the procedure step by step from beginning to end.
thank you
Thank you so much is very helpful ???
Thank you for info very helpful
This helped a lot great info!
Thank you so much it’s very helpful to know
Thank you for all this information. The implementation will make everyone feel very safe.
Thank you for this information, which i found extremely helpful, it gives me reassurance towards getting back to work, and knowing that i can reassure my clients that i can keep myself and them protected at all times, it is a practice that everyone in the beauty business should update regularly, not just at times like this, thank you again.
Thank you so much for the updates. Very helpful.
How many days can you keep a jar of mixed barbicide for???
BARBICIDE should be made fresh daily as stated on our label!
Thank you very much
Lovely education I enjoyed it thank alot
Thank you for the helpful learning of principles and uses of regulations…the key factor of understanding cleanliness! And understanding that it’s important to always maintain a healthy environment!
Thank you! Very helpful information!
Thank you so much!!! This has been very helpful!!! Very grateful and thankful for this
This was very informative. Things like removing non essential items off the salon floor. Informing clients what we are doing to protect them.
Thank u this has been a great help
Thanks for the helpful info.
The measures are extensive but VERY NECESSARY.
Thank you
Thanks for helpful and greatful
Thank you!
Thank you this has been extremely helpful great information. This has help me to prepare myself for reentry into the salon.
Thank you, I would like to contact your company , please forward me your email so that I can reach out ! Thanks again for the valuable info!
Thank you for the update
Thank you greatly appreciated!
This will help our customers to feel secure .Thank you
Thankyou for all the advice you are currently providing. It is supportive and reassuring
Thank you , very informative
Me parece exelente iniciativa de ayudarnos con todo esta importante información que sin duda alguna nos beneficiará a todos los que tenemos que trabajar con el campo de la belleza. Gracias infinitas?
Thank you for clarifying a few things!! This was very helpful!!
Thank you very much for information
Thank you
Thank you Barbicide for this very useful resource. We are now more than ready to offer safety to our customers and staff.
Thank you.
Thank you very much !
Thanks for the information very helpful
Thank you
This has been very helpful x
Thank you for all of this helpful information.
Very informative and very good explanation.
These guide lines should be put up in every salon . Thank you
Very helpful
Thank you very much
Súper thank you so much ? is very well explains keep all of us and the world ? safe wishing only the best ?♀️???❤️
This was so helpful!
gracias por repasaremos los diferentes desinfecciónes.
muchas gracias
BARBICIDE To whom it may concern thank you for all this information helping us get back into doing into doing what we love!?
So helpful, for ourselves, and costumer.
Thank you! Very helpful!
Muy buena información. Muchas gracias!!
Thank you very helpful in protecting ourselves and our clients. Very informative.
Very helpful
Meire thank you so much
Thank you so much for helping ???
Thank you very much, very helpful!
Very useful info.
Very helpful. Thank you vey much
Thank you very much for all the advice very helpful
Very helpful
Very helpful thank you
This is very helpful thank you
Muchas gracias
thank you for this information. very very helpful!!!
This information was very helpful. Thank you!
Thank you so much for this, which is brilliant, with bits I had forgotten to include in my Back to Work Plan.
Really clear and helpful! Thank you x
Again thanks for the information. It’s clear and precise.These are procedures and things we are ordered to by State Board Laws anyway. As professionals we all hv a responsibility to ourselves and our clients to stay consistent with following state board rules and guidelines. I pray that this will bring a better appreciation for our licensing and our profession. Not only for the Covid 19 but other Dermatitis issues that’s contracted when we forget to change and clean combs, brushes, and process plastic caps from client to client etc… I challenge my fellow colleagues to remembering our oath.
Thanks ??
Very very helpful thank you very much.
It was very educational
Thank you for all your help to protect my staff and my customers.
Very helpful
Thank you this has been really helpful
Thank You to all @ barbicide who have gone above & beyond during this time of uncertainty, fear & change. From the free certification, to the vital information you provide, I say “well Done” Sincerely, Russell C.
Thank you so much for this information is very important
Information was very useful.
Thanks alot
This has been very helpful
Makes you really think
Thank you! Very helpful information.
Thank you for this much needed practice. Our industry stands strong and will adhere to any new and old measures to insure the safety to all is provided.
Excelent information!
I have one question though….
How do we handle cutting capes? Is one cape per client?
Your individual state will give you guidance on capes.
What are the times for soaking combs and brushes. Can we leave them in our barbicide jar until end of day then wash off and put in a dry space?
Contact time for BARBICIDE® Concentrate is 10 minutes!
this is very informative! thank you!
when can i purchase barbicide and other disinfectants from your site? it will not let me now.
We do not sell direct, only through distribution. Please visit your local beauty supply store to purchase our products!
Thank you so much for all this helpful information to keep us all safe, now and forever.
Suzanne Danis
Simply Hair
Solas Salons Reading MA
Thank you so much Barbicide Team you very helpful for sharing this valuable infomation
This is great and should always have been implemented .
Excelente información
Every bit of this information is a reinforcement for working smart and keeping safe. Lets practice it everywhere. Thank you very much.
Thank you for sending this to the powers to be, hopefully they will understand the beauty industry better. All the hair rules are very doable, to keep everyone safe. Thanks again for stepping up.
Thank you so much for all your support though this time.
I really do appreciate it!
I did by some the spa cleaner spray from the supply house before I closed down but it was way too strong for me and my clients. So I wont be able to use it when I reopen.
Do you have any suggestions, please.
This sounds great.
Thank you for all your safety measures. We truly appreciate all your hard work to keep us updated. We are so blessed to have Barbicide as our leading disinfectant.
Feeling Thankful
Ooh La La Salon & Style Bar
Thank you so much for this service and information , its been a great help , in organizing my re opening in July.
I think this is a great thing to do before going back to work
Thanks, that is great information and update before coming back.
Thankyou for all this valuable advice,as a hairdresser I work by myself,so I am very grateful as there were some areas I was unsure of.
Thank you for the helpful suggestions. Please let me know when products are back in stock.
thank you
Looking to get certificate for going to to the salon when it opens ???
Ready to work again!
Thank you :)
Thank you for all the information given . Much appreciated .
Thank you! Very helpful
Thank you so much for the information. I took your Barbicide certification, when will you have the product in to purchase?
Thank you again
Very informative thank you
Very helpful information. I’ll be prepared once our shelter in place is lifted or upon reopening my salon.
Great content
Thank you
This is great and offers reassurance to my clients and will help us all stay safe and sanitized thank you
Verry helpful
Great content easy to read and understand to others.
Valuable information.
Thank you for all updates
Absolutely good sanitizer practices so we could have a safe and sanitizing salon ?
Very comprehensive list of instructions. Thank you. Love the letter of reassurance for the clients
Thank you for all the information
Thank you so much. This is great and helpful we took barbercide and COVID-19 certificate. Our salon is Good to go.
I enjoyed reading all the valuable information Barbicide published, especially the letter.
Very helpful , detailed thank you !
very thorough
It’s good to be remined
Real good information
This information is very helpful.
My staff and I will following the Health and Safety guidelines to assure our clients that we are taking extreme measures to provide them with professional services and being safe as well.
Thank you for making this available for us all as we feel we also play a big role in society
Thank you for this valuable and useful information!! Love the checklist!!
This is much appreciated. And I believe our trade needed this to hold us at a higher standard.
Our salon will follow the suggestions.
Very helpful
hello, i took the test but looks like last time everything was out of stock. how can i request a certificate i can display at my studio? :)
Please visit to request a new copy of your certificate!
Such a great help thank you
I think this was so helpful for us hairdressers goin back to work thank you
I think this is amazing to show everyone how much we all care about there and our safety. Best thing for everyone and very informative.
Gracias, thank you very much, I own 3 barbershops in Maryland and we are struggling a little bit because of the COVID-19 crisis but God is good and soon our businesses will be ok. Thanks for your support through your products.
Very helpful
Thank you for the information, very helpful…
Very helpful
Excellent class, this is the type of information we all need especially in this day and time.
Thank you so much this Wes very helpful
Thank you so much, this information was very helpful
This is awesome. Reinforced basic cleaning and I learned a few more information that really helped.
Thank you so much for providing great service with great products. Greatly appreciated?.
Thank you for the opportunity to pass this course for certification . Although I’ve been a barbicide user for 40+ years, a refresher course for this day in these times was much appreciated !! K’s Bodacious Boutique
The information is very informative . As to how we are to conduct reopening of business & services
Great information for a safe return to salon, whenever it may be. Very much appreciated for a refresher course. Thank you
Thank you so much , and appreciate Ìmormation for Covid 19 !
Prepare reopen salon for every one more safety ❤️So helpful ! We are very happy to return to work and to protect our more safe and all the clients needs to be safety ❤️???
Thank you !
Thank you for helping everyone , prepare for the safety of reopening our business .
very helpful , i enjoyed the test
thank you
Thank you for this informative and helpful course! I feel more than prepared for returning to work now.
Thank you ,for this information, sure will be applying everything. I like the letter of reassurance to clients.
Thank you, great information, we are ready to protect us, clients and the world ❤️??
Thank you for the information
Thanks so much for the great info.i will pass to all my workers ????I appreciate the time for the industry ?????????
Thank you for the information. It is very helpful.
I hope all the states Governor’s are looking at this too!
I’ve gone to the Cosmetology State Boards from the states that have reopened.
Thank u my spirits were lifted with this information , I’ve been very weary of what would happen to our industry
Thank you so much for all this helpful information to keep us all safe, now and forever.
This is Awesome for all Beauty Care Professionals..
Wow, that’s so kind of you. Thanks a lot! Everyone stay safe. let’s protect ourselves and our clients. Greetings from Greece
Thanks you for this information,I hope all barbers adhere to and follow guidelines put in place. This will protect our clients as well as ourselves and create a clean and professional environment.
Thank you so much for the helpful information.
Thank you guys for everything you’ve done to help us business owners and employees. You guys been super helpful with the certificate, information on cleaning and disinfecting and even a letter so that our clients feel comfortable coming back for our services. Thank you again!
Thank you, very helpful!
Great information for us to take back to the salon! Many thanks!
Thank you BARBICIDE team for this useful information. It is very useful and helpful.
I will definitely implement in my salon.
Thank you for the letter of reassurance to the clients…awesome !!
Cape town hair academy
Thank you so much for this info, extremely helpful! I hope to be able to do the job I love again soon
Thank you so much it’s a great refresher course .
Very helpful Thanks
This is great information protecting myself and others in my place of work… thank you.
This is excellent. Thank you so much!
This is great. I love.
Very helpful information
Thank you for sharing all the following information we will follow this top to bottom
Thanks so much for this detailed professional information. Makes me feel more prepared for future opening of my salon.
I am so grateful for this platform. Let’s reinstall the values and morals of becoming a amazing stylists! Overbooking is overlooking! Health before wealth!
Again fantastic read….
Please could I have it sent out to my email?
Much appreciated. Thanks
Wonderful, thank you!
This has been very helpful, thank you
Very good information! As a 46 year professional, I found it to be refreshing if nothing else. We do get busy and forgetful occasionally, so this is good for refocusing. Thanks for the time and effort expended to put out all this information for our industry. I have printed it all out, and will share it with my co-workers before and after opening. Thanks again
very helpful
Very helpful information
Thank you so much… this has been a great refresher for me.
Thank you so much….. this is very helpful information…. very important to be safe and to all clients… stay safe….
thank you. yes it was helpful
Thank you so much, very helpful and also love the section where you can let the client read as it is a great form of reassurance!
This is very helpful.
Hi. I do nails . Can I apply for this certification??
Yes, of course! Please visit to get started!
Thank you!! Very helpful!
Thank you so much for this information, it has been extremely informative and good to know so many like myself are trying to find answers in making sure we are taking the proper measures when reopening.
You are welcome Alexandra!
Thank you very much for the information. This is very helpful for us cosmetology teachers to be able to have continue education. In which this helps us to help ours student and futures styling colleagues.
Thank you so much!
Great information!!
This was helpful. I think all Beauty therapist old and new should be certified again through sanitation! People get into old habits and need to be mindful we should be practicing this all the time not just during a Pandemic! Not only are we doing it for our clients but for ourselves as well. We are not six feet apart from our clients at any given time. Be smart, sanitize and disinfect! Thank you very much!!!!!!!
Great information, thank you
Very helpful
Thank you! very interesting and helpful, I really appreciate !
Thank you !
Thank you for this information, it has been very helpful!
Thank you. This is really helpful.
Really great information to reforce our protection..thanks..
Thank you ! We care for our guest and appreciate this certification showing that we are salon ready with the knowledge it takes to keep our guests safe as well as ourselves.
Thanks this was a big help
thank you so much this has been a great help to me
Thank you
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! As my State is approaching an official reopen date for salons I was beginning to feel extremely overwhelmed with all I need to do as a salon owner to safely open my salon. This provides a great sense of relief for me.
Thank you so much, it has been very helpful.
Thanks so much for this information. We need to change everything now, but all be back to the normaly. Blessed
Thanks this has been very good help to me
Thank you for all this helpful information for better and safer Barbers.
Thank you very much this is really helpful I really appreciate May God bless we all be safe?
great refresher course
Thank so much , it has been very helpful
Thank you!!
The information given is fantastic and a brilliant help for old and new.
All hair salons, barbers and beauticians should require these certificates as hygiene is important at all times.
Thanks again :)
Very useful and informative. I am sure our industry will be back soon in our salons etc, and adhering to all this wonderful guidance to keep us all safe and well…. ! … thank you
Great!!! Thank so much
thank you this has been very helpful
Thank you so much ☺️
very informative
thank you for this , letter of reassurance to clients is really helpful
Excelente gracias
Thank you ,this will help.
Muchas gracias
Really good information and thanks for all
Thank you
Thank you for this updated info to share with my clients to make them feel safe
Thank you for your help ….Info is very informative
Thank you for your help
Excellence by Paula.
Thankyou for all info this helps to refresh our professional work . Also to make our clients feel safe and protect there health and are own very good source to help make the new normal very helpful .
Thank you!!
The information given is fantastic and a brilliant help for old and new.
All hair salons, barbers and beauticians should require these certificates as hygiene is important at all times.
Thanks again ???
Gracias por la información
The ongoing support and expert knowledge that has been provided by your company has been insurmountable and greatly appreciated, as we re-open our salons for business. By providing this training and information we can confidently bring our customers back knowing we have implemented every measure to insure both their safety and ours.
Thank you Barbicide team….Great information!!!… Supportive and developmental ..much appreciated
Thanks so much Barbicide team…this information is supportive and developmental!..
Thank you for the information, very helpful ?
Thank you so mush for the all information because is very important the every one now what they need do for ree opening the salon
Thanks so munch, it’s very helpful for each one of us. Stay safe!
Thank you so much for this service and information , its been a great help , in organizing my re opening in July.
Thanks, it is very helpful information.
Thank you for the information was very helpful ??
Thank you so much. Very helpful links !!!
Thank you so much, this help a lots
Truly in a multitude of counselors there is great safety. Thanks for the counsel
Thank you very much
Thank you so much! Very helpful, I have a feeling these changes are her to stay, may be the new normal.
Thank you, very helpful.
Thank you Barbicide team….Great information!!!… Supportive and developmental ..much appreciated ❤️?
Thank you! very helpful
Thank you so much ! very helpful
thank you very helpful.
Thank you! Very helpful ❤️
Thank you very much!!
This is awesome
Thank very much for all information to learn how to take care the work places ,clients and myself
Thank you BABICIDE for updating us all those information and for the new protocols
Thanks very much ??
Thanks for information to learn how to take care the work places, clients, myself and the world.
Thanks so munch, it’s very helpful for us!
Very informative
It’s very strange to read how people thankful for this article … specially if you have license it’s your routine job to do this everyday, not only because Coronavirus
This is very useful thank you.
I’m also taking clients temperatures and asking them to contact me if after coming to my clinic they fall ill. So I can let all my clients know who has visited my clinic.
I have been using Barbicide for years, as recommended by my college when in training. A most reliable product. This information has been really informative, as I am still waiting to hear from my insurers as to their recommendations. Returning to the job I love is still unclear. I am a mobile therapist with a very mature client base. There is very little advice for this area of business.
Thank You
Thank you for the help
Thank you for filling the void where some of our State Boards and local leaders have failed. Thanks for providing guidelines and information to those that may not have had it. Keep it up and thanks again!
Thank you so much for the information,to make sure we are doing it correctly,
Thanks again.
Thank you so much BARBICIDE for all the clear guidelines you’ve provided us to keep ourselves and our clients safe. Your are much appreciated!!
Thank you, this was very helpful and it’ll help me for future situations concerning the COVID-19.
Thanks Barbicide , this is very helpful
Thank you for your great support and update.
thank you
Great work and a good read many good points to implement.
Thank you for your information
We try do our best to keep our client’s safe and to protect our communities.
Thank you so much it’s nice to refresh our mind.
Thanks for keeping us informed on this unseen attack we are facing,
the extra steps are not hard to do , i want to keep all my clients and myself free for this. even though we practice cleanliness on and daily base it is good to be updated and be extra precious, on this unseen virus.
Sincerely Yours!
Thank you BARBICIDE for the information, for ourselves, clients and the world.
Your are greatly appreciated by our Industry.
Very helpful
Thank you, great information provided to help us all stay healthy.
Thank you for all information this help to refresh our professional work.👍👍👍👍
Great update for my clients!
Thank you so much .
Thank you very much on the very informative safety measures.
Professionally written with care. Impressive Barbicide!
Thank you
A very useful course
Very infromative and appreciate the recap
Once again. So easy to understand! Thank you for making it easier for everyone to understand the guidelines
Thank you for *A Plan of Action for your Salon, Barber Shop or Spa Following the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ya this is very important and very helpful 👍
This is very important and very helpful
It is very helpful. Than you.